Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Storybord-FINAL Animatic

Do an animatic for the final. I chose a Coyote Ugly type situation. I used Illustrator.


Create a scenario where two characters are guarding something and someone else is trying to get that something. I have two dobermans guarding a priceless diamond studded bone. I have a Great Dane, Golden Retriever and a chihuahua that try to steal it.


Do three perspective drawings of the same place and place a cartoon character in the scene. I was at work and went down to 6th street on my break. On the perspective from above, I was in a parking garage and I got kicked out by security.

Storyboard-From YouTube

We were supposed to find a clip of a show on Youtube and storyboard a piece of it out. I chose the Toy Story Short.

Storyboard-Script Project

We were given a short script to storyboard out. I can't remember which movie it was from but it is the opening scene. I was trying not to rip the pages out of my sketchbook so tht is why it looks a little funny.

Storyboard-60 sec boards

Brandon showed us scenes from the empire strikes back and we had 60 seconds to quick sketch the most important parts of the scenes.

Monday, October 7, 2013


The idea was to make one large panoramic board that had depth and movement from one side to the other.

Styleboard-Phone commercial

The idea was to work with the transitions. We were to take one phone and turn it into two for a buy one get one free offer. I didn't realize I could fake the camera angle so that it why it is a little boring.

Saturday, October 5, 2013